A Gator Tale – Florida Life

Moving someplace totally new is a funny thing. At first you notice everything that is different, from strange-looking birds to unfamiliar store brands. Then, gradually, you build your routines and before long you think you got it all covered. But every now and then, something pops up to bite you in the ass and remind…

The Real Thing

No matter how advanced we would like to think that we are, we are basically simple creatures. According to Maslow, one of our primary needs is the sense of belonging. So maybe we all like to think that we are allured by the unknown. That we long for the ever-winding road around the bend, the…

Ready For Boring

An airplane flight is not a fixed thing. Time may vary, the company may vary, stops on the way, the plane, the personnel … But we need to tell our story, so let’s settle for the fact that sometimes a flight takes ten hours. Which is considerably less travelling time than what people had to…

Sayonara Suckers

–  So, you will soon be leaving our offices, huh? Like, “Sayonara, suckers”? (Ha-ha!) –  (He-he!) Not quite, Sir. As I will return to all the suck … uhm, all of you, in six months. –  Naturally. Well, keep in touch, will you? Don’t be a stranger. –  Thank you, Sir. And I won’t. Or…

Nature’s mysteries

Every now and then, some of us long for a release from the strain, confusion and anxieties of the modern urban life. On those occasions, I would like to recommend the Norwegian mountains to sooth the soul and lighten the spirit. Here you’ll find Mother Nature at her most grand, with jagged cliffs, wide open…