Somebody’s Going Down for This

The glossy magazines are fronting tape measures and diet food. So, it’s January and payback time and we all have different ways of coping. Some, like me, spend a lot of time looking for someone to blame; One spends some glorious weeks of carefree gluttony, and then one’s suddenly left with hips that barely fit…

Sayonara Suckers

–  So, you will soon be leaving our offices, huh? Like, “Sayonara, suckers”? (Ha-ha!) –  (He-he!) Not quite, Sir. As I will return to all the suck … uhm, all of you, in six months. –  Naturally. Well, keep in touch, will you? Don’t be a stranger. –  Thank you, Sir. And I won’t. Or…

The Good Talk

Waking up this morning, I see her lying there. Stretched out. Limp. A study of perfect relaxation of all muscles. A  handsome little dog, terrier breed, in a confused fur mix of brownish shades. The fan is stirring slowly with a soft hum, passing the bedroom air in diffusion through the light curtains. The radio…