Christmas In Norway

Rootin’ Tootin’ Yuletide And A Smashing Year Anew I Wish To Each And All But In Particular To You So Please Allow This Jolly Gush Of Greetings From Up North Merry, Happy, Holly Hugs And Kisses And So Forth … _ _ _

Sayonara Suckers

–  So, you will soon be leaving our offices, huh? Like, “Sayonara, suckers”? (Ha-ha!) –  (He-he!) Not quite, Sir. As I will return to all the suck … uhm, all of you, in six months. –  Naturally. Well, keep in touch, will you? Don’t be a stranger. –  Thank you, Sir. And I won’t. Or…

Nature’s mysteries

Every now and then, some of us long for a release from the strain, confusion and anxieties of the modern urban life. On those occasions, I would like to recommend the Norwegian mountains to sooth the soul and lighten the spirit. Here you’ll find Mother Nature at her most grand, with jagged cliffs, wide open…