Happy Snow Day

This morning it is here. A fluffy, white duvet covering the roofs and fire escapes outside my window. Its coming has been reported for days, the Snowmageddon stacking 15 inches of the cold and wet stuff. Today, subways are crammed because driving seems suited only for the boldest. Schools and offices keep closed, flights are…

All About the Climb

We all have our little peculiarities. Some of us enjoy running like maniacs even though there’s no fire. Others love knitting, despite flawless garments are available in store. I myself have a weakness for climbing, although God has granted us stairs and escalators. I take comfort in knowing that there are others besides me who,…

Go With the Flow

It’s a matter of fact in any city: Weather is first and foremost an inconvenience, whether it’s hot, cold, rain, snow or wind. Urbanites need to get to the office, and dress according to company rules, – which is rarely compatible with such things as a heavy rainfall. Like the other day, when rain and…