One Of Them

The alarm goes off at four-thirty AM. Plenty of resourceful people despise mornings, but four-thirty hurts less than one might expect; numbing, in a merciful way. Maybe most of the nervous system is still asleep. The hours are arguable not even within the morning concept. Some start the day at this ungodly hour to squeeze…

The Social Animal

Ever wondered about the term “social anxiety”? Not “fraternization under-achievement”, or “network procrastination”, or even “interaction unwillingness”. But raw anxiety. It’s a diagnosis, I’ve looked it up, and I hereby claim it. It’s the cape I scramble under to hide the other mentioned terms. The encyclopedic elaboration of the term “Social anxiety” is long and…

Sunday Paper

Sunday mornings are made for comfy sweats, long brunches and thick newspapers. I don’t have the right book at hand, so I quote loosely: “For six days thou shall bust thy back, but on the seventh day thou shall kick back and not do any work” – or words to that effect. The background being…

Happy Snow Day

This morning it is here. A fluffy, white duvet covering the roofs and fire escapes outside my window. Its coming has been reported for days, the Snowmageddon stacking 15 inches of the cold and wet stuff. Today, subways are crammed because driving seems suited only for the boldest. Schools and offices keep closed, flights are…

A Dog’s Life

If you happen to be in Manhattan, you may get the fine idea to take a stroll down Lexington Avenue. If so, you may happen to pass a small shop with big windows on both sides of the entrance, crowded by passer byes rubbing their noses against the glass, looking in. That will be the…

All About the Climb

We all have our little peculiarities. Some of us enjoy running like maniacs even though there’s no fire. Others love knitting, despite flawless garments are available in store. I myself have a weakness for climbing, although God has granted us stairs and escalators. I take comfort in knowing that there are others besides me who,…

The Real Thing

No matter how advanced we would like to think that we are, we are basically simple creatures. According to Maslow, one of our primary needs is the sense of belonging. So maybe we all like to think that we are allured by the unknown. That we long for the ever-winding road around the bend, the…

Always Something

 Him and her. An oversea call. – So, you’re coming to visit? That’s great! I’ll make sure everything’s ready.  – Like what?  – You know, things we can do together, – restaurants, sightseeing, shows, friends to visit.  – I’m only staying for a week!  – Exactly. Let’s make the most of it!  – Very well. But…